CoreCommerce + Trustpilot - Automatic Feedback Service (AFS) Setup

AFS integration between CoreCommerce + Trustpilot automatically sends review invitation emails to your customers after they make a purchase or have a service experience. When a customer purchases something from your business, you send them an order confirmation via email. You can read more about AFS here

If you want to use AFS with CoreCommerce, you’ll need to use a structured data snippet. You can set it up by adding the following code snippet to the template of your confirmation emails.

1. In the left menu bar, select View Vendors.

2. Click the plus symbol to add a Vendor.

3. In the company field, put Trustpilot AFS and in the email field, paste your unique Trustpilot email address. Click save.

4. In the top right hand corner, click the gear and click Store Settings.

5. Click Edit Emails.

6. Search for Vendor in the search bar.

7. Click the pencil to edit the original template.

8. Click Source below the header HTML Body and insert the code below <title></title> (Like below).

<script type="application/json+trustpilot">
"recipientEmail": "##SHIP_TO_EMAIL##",
"referenceId": "##ORDER_NUMBER##"

9. Click the gear in the top right and click Inventory Settings.

10. Click Vendors at the bottom of the page and make sure the the field of “Email order to vendors when order is placed” is showing green.

11. Next, go to Manage Products in the left menu bar.

12. On the far right by the green plus, click the downward arrow and click Export Products.

13. Click Standard Export.

14. Open the file and locate the Vendor Name field. Update this field to match the vendor created in Step 2.

15. On the left menu bar click Manage Products, click the downward arrow (like step 11) and click Product Import.

16. Click Import Products.

17. Choose the file and select update as the picture depicts.

18. Once you are ready, click Start Product Import (This will update the vendor on the product).

19. And that’s it. AFS is set up! 

If you’d like more information on how to use AFS, check out this article.

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