Connect Trustpilot with your ecommerce platform, to easily integrate your tools and automate your review collection.
Trustpilot's Shopify integration enables easy review collection to help you grow your business.
Send review invitations automatically to your customers with Trustpilot's WooCommerce integration.
Our Wix integration allows you to automatically send review invitations and manage your invitation strategy across multiple stores.
Our PayPal integration allows you to automate your service review collection each time an invoice is paid - both with online transactions, and in-person transactions through Point of Sale.
Our Square integration allows you to automate your service review collection - both with online transactions through Square Online, and in-person transactions through Square Point of Sale.
OpenCart 2.0-2.2x and 2.3x
Trustpilot's OpenCart integration for OpenCart 2.0-2.2x and 2.3x allows for easy review collection.
Integration Troubleshooting
Having trouble with your Trustpilot ecommerce integration? In our troubleshooting guides you'll find some tips and tricks that can help you solve some common issues.