Create a Business Community profile

Our Business Community is a place where business users ask for advice, share knowledge, and connect with peers on a variety of Trustpilot topics.

If you’ve ever submitted a ticket or emailed our Support Team, then you already have a profile to access our Business Community. You just need to request a password - here’s how:

Request a password for existing users

  1. Click Log in on the top right.
  2. Select Trustpilot Support from the drop-down menu.
  3. Next to Have you emailed us?, click Get password.
  4. Enter your email address and click Submit. Check your email to set a new password. If you don’t find the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  5. In the email, click Set a new password.

Enter your new password and click Change password. Your password is updated and you’re signed in automatically.

Create an account

If you’ve never contacted us before, then you have a few options to sign up.

Sign up with email

  1. Click Log in on the top right.
  2. Select Trustpilot Support from the drop-down menu.
  3. Next to New to Support?, click Sign up.
  4. Enter your name and email address, then click Sign up.
  5. You’ll receive an email with instructions to set up your password. If you don’t find the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.
  6. In the email, click Create a password.
  7. Type in your email and your new password. Click Set password. You’re logged in automatically.

When creating an account using one of the single sign-on methods below, some information might be automatically transferred to your Trustpilot Support profile. This can include your name and profile picture. Learn how to edit your profile here.

Sign up with Facebook

  1. Click Log in on the top right.
  2. Select Trustpilot Support from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Sign in with Facebook.
  4. If you’re not logged in, enter your account details and click Log in.
  5. If you're already logged into your Facebook account, click Continue as [Your Name] in the dialog box.

Sign up with Google

  1. Click Log in on the top right.
  2. Select Trustpilot Support from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Sign up with Google.
  4. Select the account you want to sign in with. If you’re not logged in, enter your email or phone number and click Next.
  5. Enter your password and click Next to sign in.
    • If you have two-factor authentication turned on, you might need to enter in a code Google sends you and click Next. You’ll be signed in automatically.

Sign up with Microsoft

  1. Click Log in on the top right.
  2. Select Trustpilot Support from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Sign in with Microsoft.
  4. Enter your email address or phone number for Microsoft and click Next.
  5. Microsoft will send you a code to your email address or phone number. Click Send code.
  6. Enter the code and click Sign in.

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