The Product review ratings dashboard is a collection of analytics that help you track the overall performance of your business’ product reviews over time. Use the dashboard’s filters to dive into specific segments of your collected reviews to gain more detailed insights into how your products are performing.
You’ll be able to track developments in the volume and star rating of your collected product reviews, including a breakdown of your reviews for each product.
To access the Product review ratings dashboard, go to Trustpilot Business > Analytics > Product review ratings.
Product reviews
This graph shows the star distribution and volume of your product reviews within the selected time period. Adjust the time range or break down your results by daily, weekly, or monthly intervals to see how your product reviews have performed over time.
Average star rating
This graph shows the average star rating of all of your product reviews within the selected time period. You can adjust the time range or break down your results by daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.
Distribution of stars
Here you can see the percentage of reviews for each star rating for all of your product reviews.
Your products
This table contains a breakdown of your top 100 products based on review volume. It displays their number of reviews and average star rating, so you can easily track how each individual product is performing.