Trustpilot’s Shopify integration: Send review invitations

This feature is included in the Free, Plus, Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

Our Shopify integration lets you automatically invite customers to write reviews. Here's how to set it up.

Before you can set up your review invitations, you’ll need to install our Shopify integration.

Manage invitation timing and delivery

An order from your Shopify web store automatically triggers an email invitation to your customer to write a service review on Trustpilot. Here’s how to configure invitation timing and delivery settings:

  1. In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
  2. Under Invitation settings, configure when invitations should be sent by clicking Edit under timing and delivery.
  3. You can select the amount of time you’d like to pass between when a customer makes a purchase or uses your business. You can also choose when invitations should be triggered – Order confirmed creates the invitation after a customer pays, or reaches your confirmation page and Order completed creates the invitation when an order is fulfilled.
  4. Click Save.

You can change other invitation settings like timing and frequency, email settings, and more in invitation settings on Trustpilot Business.

Include product review invitations

If you use Trustpilot’s product reviews for your business, you can turn on the option to include them in your invitation emails.

  1. In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
  2. Under Invitation settings, activate product reviews by clicking on the toggle under Product reviews.
  3. Manage product sync by clicking Edit under product sync. You can provide SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) or GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) values.
  4. Click Save.

You can change other product review invitation settings in Trustpilot Business.

Invite previous customers

You can choose to invite customers to review their orders from the past.

  1. In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
  2. Under Invitation settings, scroll down to Past orders.
  3. Choose the period you want to invite previous customers to leave reviews.
  4. Click Send invitations now.

Invitations will be sent out for orders fulfilled in the past.

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