Find and explore categories
Discover and compare similar businesses with Trustpilot's comprehensive list of business categories!
Whether you're looking for a new hair salon, hardware store, or hotel — we've got you covered, with Categories. Businesses on Trustpilot can choose to be in specific categories that describe their main industries, products, or services. And if a business hasn't selected any categories themselves, we automatically place them within a category that we believe best represents what they offer.
Find and explore a category
Whether you want to find a specific business within a category, compare them, or browse them all, Trustpilot provides a list for you to explore.
Go to You'll see a selection of categories featured on the page. To see them all, click View all or click Categories at the top right.
On the next page, you can search for a category. You can also browse the list displayed, which features all available categories. Click the category you want to explore.
The results are sorted by Most Relevant. You can change the sort to Highest number of reviews or Most recent reviews.
Further down the results, you can also see Popular searches and Recently reviewed companies.
Most relevant
Sorting by relevance shows all businesses that are "best" in a category, ordered by TrustScore and review count. To be eligible:
- The business must have collected at least 25 reviews in the past 12 months.
- The business must have the 'Asks for reviews' status label.
These requirements ensure that the best businesses in a category actively promote trust and transparency by continuously asking for feedback from their customers.