Manage product attributes

This feature is part of the Product Reviews add-on module, which can be purchased in addition to the Plus, Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

Product attributes allow your customers to rate specific details about your products. Here we’ll explain what they are and how to manage them.

What are product attributes?

Attributes are a part of product reviews. They are the various characteristics of a product that can be rated individually by your customers. Product attributes could be, for example: quality, design, and value for money.

Attributes are automatically enabled for all your products when you send invitations for product reviews.

What are product attribute ratings?

Customers can rate a product attribute on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Attribute ratings are separate, and do not affect the product’s overall rating.

Add a product attribute 

You can add six extra attributes per product. To add, follow these steps:

  1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Manage reviews > Product reviews > Product attributes.
  2. Find the product category you’d like to add to. Click + Add attribute.
  1. In the dialog box, choose up to six extra attributes. Click Save.

Add a custom attribute

You can add as many custom attributes to your library as you like, but can still only use six per product category. To add one:

  1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Manage reviews > Product reviews > Product attributes.
  2. Find the category and click +Add attribute.
  3. Under Add custom attribute, type in your custom attribute and click Add.
  4. Click Save

You also have the option to add translations for each attribute. 

  1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Manage reviews > Product reviews > Settings.
  2. Find your custom attribute and under Translations select Manage.
  3. Enter the translations you wish to be included and click Save.

Any translations left empty will default back to your native locale language.

Scale rating attributes

Use this attribute to let customers know how a product may vary from their expectations. This works great for sized items.

  1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Manage reviews > Product reviews > Product attributes.
  2. Find the category you want to add a scale rating to, then click +Add attribute.
  3. Under Scale rating, check the box next to Size.
  4. Click Save

Disable product attributes

Don’t want product attributes? No problem. To disable them follow these steps:

  1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Manage reviews > Product reviews > Settings.
  2. Under Product attributes, slide the toggle to NO.

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