​Your Trustpilot invoice explained

You’ll get an invoice every month that you’re subscribed to a paid plan on Trustpilot Business. Here’s some info about the different things you’ll see on it.

We’ll always send a copy of your invoice to your email address, but you can also find it (along with all past invoices) in Trustpilot Business by going to Settings > Business settings > Billing.

Here’s an example of what the invoice looks like. Your invoice may vary depending on your billing plan, add-ons, and the region Trustpilot's bank account is located in, which has an effect on Trustpilot's banking details.

Sample of invoice

Your details

This is who the invoice is billed to, which should be the name and address of your business according to the details you provide. If you need to change this, contact your account manager.

Reference numbers and additional information

Invoice number: You’ll see a unique reference number on each invoice you receive. We use this number to identify it in our system in case we ever need to pull it up.

Date of invoice: The date the invoice was created.

Due date: This is the date payment is due - remember to pay on time to avoid late fees!

Terms of payment: The length of time that the invoice must be paid according to the terms in your contract.

Customer number: The unique reference number that we use to identify your business.

Customer PO number: This is a reference number that you provide us with - it’s assigned to your purchase for tracking purposes. If you haven’t provided us with one, this field will likely be blank.

Tax number: Your business’ registered VAT number if you’re based in an EU country.

If you’re based in an EU country and don’t have a valid VAT number, you’ll be charged 25% VAT. This only applies to businesses that receive invoices from Trustpilot A/S.

Product details

Description: A list of the products or services you’re currently signed up for.

Invoice period: The length of time that the invoice covers.

Quantity: The number of each item you’re being invoiced for. This could be related to domains, invitations, etc.

Price: The price of each item on the list.

Invoice totals

The total invoice amount. This is broken down into:

  • The price of all products and services, excluding tax
  • The amount of tax
  • The final total to be paid

Payment information

At the end of the invoice, you’ll find all the info you’ll need to make your payment. Here we include our payment details, as well as links you can use to set up automatic payments and any additional useful information.

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