Trustpilot's Zendesk integration
Install the integration
Download the integration
In Trustpilot Business, go to Integrations > Customer Support > Zendesk.
Click Download.
Install the integration
In Zendesk, click the Zendesk Products icon. It's the one with 4 squares, next to your profile image. Select Admin Center.
Expand the Apps and integrations drop-down. Under Apps, click Zendesk Support apps.
Click Upload private app.
If you’ve installed this integration before, you must disconnect the old one before connecting the new one. Hover over the integration, click the wheel, then select Uninstall to do so.
Enter an App Name, then click Choose File. Select the file you just downloaded from Trustpilot, then click Upload.
On the next page, enable any role or group restrictions you’d like, then click Install.
Once installed, go back to the Apps and integrations drop-down. Under Apps, click Channel apps, then click Trustpilot Reviews.
Go to Accounts from the top menu, then click Add account. Select the domains you want to integrate with Zendesk. You'll also have the option to select which review ratings to include, as well review tags and product reviews. You can also choose to sync unanswered reviews. Click Submit and on the next page, click Allow to confirm.
Once you’ve installed the integration, your service and product reviews will start appearing as tickets in Zendesk, where you can read and reply to them directly.
Reply to reviews
Due to caching, it can take a few minutes before your reply is visible on Trustpilot.
Sync past reviews
In Zendesk, click the Zendesk Products icon. It's the one with 4 squares, next to your profile image. Select Admin Center.
Expand the Apps and integrations drop-down. Under Apps, click Channel apps.
Select Trustpilot Reviews, then click Accounts. Hover over Trustpilot account, click the wheel icon and select Edit.
Enable the Sync unanswered reviews toggle button and select the period from which you want to sync.
If you'd like to sync product reviews, click Include product reviews.
Click Submit. The synced reviews will appear as new tickets under Tickets requiring your attention.
Reply to reviews
In Zendesk Support, click the Home icon on the left side of the page.
Under Tickets requiring your attention, you'll see your reviews listed as tickets. Select the one you want to reply to.
Within the ticket, you can read the review and reply in the box provided.
To publish your reply, Submit the ticket using the appropriate option to confirm.
We only show one reply per review. So, if you write several replies in Zendesk, only the most recent one will be displayed.
Change role and group restrictions
In Zendesk, go to your Admin Center.
Expand the Apps and integrations drop-down. Under Apps, click Zendesk Support apps.
Select the Trustpilot integration. Use the boxes to enable role or group restrictions, then select which groups should have access.
Click Update.
Delete the integration
Uninstall the integration
Uninstalling the integration will delete associated accounts, but won't delete ticket data, such as reviews and replies.
In Zendesk, click the Zendesk Products icon. It's the one with 4 squares, next to your profile image. Select Admin Center.
Expand the Apps and integrations drop-down. Under Apps, click Zendesk Support apps.
Hover over the Trustpilot integration, click the wheel, then select Uninstall.