Filter a business’s reviews

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Looking for something specific? Sort through a business's reviews by applying filters, to find the reviews most relevant to what you want to know.

Filter by star rating

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Rating, select the star rating(s) you want to see reviews for. Click Show reviews.

All reviews with your selected star rating will be shown. To remove, just click the x next to the rating.

Recommended filters

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Recommended, select if you want to see verified reviews and/or reviews with replies. Click Show reviews.

All reviews with your selected criteria will be shown. To remove, just click the x next to the filter.

Filter by date

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Date posted, select the time period you want to see reviews for. Click Show reviews.

All reviews from your selected time period will be shown. To remove, just click the x next to the time period. 

Filter by popular mentions

Apply dynamic filters, which show the most popular topics and themes mentioned in a business’s reviews within the last 12 months.

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Popular mentions, click the topic you want to filter by. You can see them all by clicking Show more.
  4. Click Show reviews.

All reviews that mention the topic will be shown, with the topic highlighted. To remove, just click the next to the topic. 

Search reviews

You can also search all reviews using keywords. 

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Search reviews, type a keyword into the search bar. Click Show reviews.

All reviews that contain the entered keyword will be shown, with the word highlighted. To remove, just click the x next to the keyword. 

Filter by language

English is the default language for Trustpilot reviews, so not all businesses have reviews in multiple languages.

  1. From, find the business you're interested in.
  2. In the Reviews box, click Filter.
  3. Under Language, select the language you want to see reviews for. Click Show reviews.

All reviews written in the selected language will be shown. To remove, just click the x next the language. 

Filter by location

Some businesses set up locations so customers can review their service experience at a specific branch. Each location has its own profile, which is linked to from the business’s main profile.

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