Want to get more feedback by collecting reviews? For free? Here are 5 ways to invite your customers to leave reviews so that you can gather even more valuable feedback.
New to Trustpilot Business? Check out our Getting started guides for the Free plan.
1. Ask your customers to review you
When you speak with your customers on the phone or chat with them online, let them know you’d like them to leave a review on Trustpilot. You’ve probably been asked to leave a review when you visited a restaurant or a tourist destination. They ask you because it works.
2. Use our automated review invitation service
In our experience, there’s often a large pool of customers who don’t think about leaving reviews. Sometimes all it takes to activate these customers is a polite request. Invitations make it easy for people to leave a review, and remind them that their opinions matter.
Automatic Feedback Service (AFS) is the easiest way to invite your customers to leave a review. AFS automatically sends review invitations to your customers after they make a purchase or have a service experience with your business.
And reviews collected via AFS will be labeled "Verified" and count towards Google's store ratings. What's not to like?
Find out more about how to use AFS here.
Optimized email invitation templates
We've got optimized email invitation templates in our Free Plan to help get you started!
Preview the templates in Trustpilot Business by heading to Settings > Invitation settings > Email settings.
These templates can't be customized with our Free Plan. Upgrade your Trustpilot account to personalize your email invitations and access more features.
3. Invite automatically with an ecommerce integration
Another way to automatically send review invitations is using our ecommerce integrations. They communicate directly with your platform and automatically create review invitations with each customer order.
Reviews collected this way will also be labeled "Verified" and count towards Google's store ratings.
Get started with ecommerce integrations here.
4. Put a TrustBox on your website
Embed a TrustBox on your website to collect reviews! Our Free Plan includes the TrustBox Review Collector, which encourages customers to write organic reviews.
This TrustBox is clickable and sends customers directly to your business's profile page on Trustpilot - where they can leave a review.
Find a guide to setting up your TrustBoxes here.
5. Include a postcard in your packages and encourage customers to leave a review
Consider making the most of the range of customizable stationery available nowadays. It’s easy to put together a catchy and attractive postcard inviting customers to leave a review. Postcards could be added to all the packages you send out, showing people how to go to Trustpilot and review your company in just a few easy steps. Take inspiration from a simple example here:
Best practices
Please remember to stay within our Guidelines for Businesses by keeping your invitation processes and language fair, neutral and unbiased. And remember you're not allowed to offer consumers an incentive of any kind. Incentives include, but are not limited to, promotional discounts, monetary rewards, loyalty points, gifts, coupons, etc.
See our best practices for creating great review invitations.