Our Shopify integration allows you to automate your review invitations for service and product reviews and add multiple website widgets.
Install the integration
Trustpilot's Shopify integration cannot be installed via the Shopify app store. Instead, you can set up the integration directly through your Trustpilot Business dashboard.
- In Trustpilot Business, go to Integrations > Ecommerce > Shopify.
- In the text field, enter your Shopify domain and click Connect.
- Shopify will open in a new window. Click Install app.
- Trustpilot Business will open in a new window. Log in or sign up to continue.
- Select which Trustpilot domain to connect with your store from the drop-down menu and click the checkbox.
- Click Connect to complete connecting Trustpilot to your Shopify store.
- You will be redirected to the Trustpilot app within Shopify. At this point, your Shopify store is connected and review invitations will be sent to your customers automatically after every purchase.
When integrated with Shopify, service reviews are always on. This is so that your business collects more verified reviews to build trust, giving you better insight into what your customers think.
Manage the integration
Once you've installed the integration, Trustpilot Reviews will be available in the Apps tab in your Shopify admin panel. From there, you can manage your invitation settings like timing and delivery, product reviews, and product sync, and add a widget to your web pages.
Send review invitations
Our Shopify integration lets you automatically invite customers to write reviews. Here's how to set it up.
Manage invitation timing and delivery
An order from your Shopify web store automatically triggers an email invitation to your customer to write a service review on Trustpilot. Here’s how to configure invitation timing and delivery settings:
In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
Under Invitation settings, configure when invitations should be sent by clicking Edit under timing and delivery.
You can select the amount of time you’d like to pass between when a customer makes a purchase or uses your business. You can also choose when invitations should be triggered – Order confirmed creates the invitation after a customer pays, or reaches your confirmation page and Order completed creates the invitation when an order is fulfilled.
Click Save.
You can change other invitation settings like timing and frequency, email settings, and more in invitation settings on Trustpilot Business.
Include product review invitations
If you use Trustpilot’s product reviews for your business, you can turn on the option to include them in your invitation emails.
In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
Under Invitation settings, activate product reviews by clicking on the toggle under Product reviews.
Manage product sync by clicking Edit under product sync. You can provide SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), and MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) or GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) values.
Click Save.
You can change other product review invitation settings in Trustpilot Business.
Invite previous customers
You can choose to invite customers to review their orders from the past.
In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
Under Invitation settings, scroll down to Past orders.
Choose the period you want to invite previous customers to leave reviews.
Click Send invitations now.
Add or delete a TrustBox widget
With our Shopify integration you can add multiple TrustBox widgets, invite customers to write reviews, and automate your review collection for service and product reviews.
Add a widget
You can add multiple widgets to your web pages using the integration.
- In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
- Under the Website widgets tab, click Add a widget.
- Your website preview will open in a new tab. Add widgets by dragging and dropping them onto the preview of your website. You can choose to place widgets on your landing page, category page, or product page. (If you want to place them on another page, click on Add a new page and simply enter the specific web address)
- You can configure the widget by hovering over it and clicking Customize.
- Once you're happy with the position of your widget, click Publish changes.
It might take a few seconds for the widget to appear on your website after publishing. It might be because your browser is loading the cached version of your website. You can clear your cache or preview your website in a different browser or incognito to see the published widget.
You can see a summary of all widgets added to your website under the Website widgets tab.
Delete a widget
If you want to delete a widget from your site:
- In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
- Under the Website widgets tab, click the three dots (•••) on the right corner of the widget you’d like to remove and click Remove
You can also remove a widget by clicking Edit which opens a new page with a preview of your website. Hover over the widget and click on the trash bin icon in the right corner. Click Publish changes.
Manage multiple stores
Shopify doesn't have a multi store feature that allows multiple stores to be managed under a single Shopify account. However, businesses can have multiple Shopify accounts, with one store per account.
Individual stores within different businesses
To configure settings for different businesses - for example, cats.com vs. dogs.com - you’ll need to make sure these domains are each under their own Trustpilot business unit.
You can do this by installing the Trustpilot integration for each store, then selecting the right Trustpilot domain when connecting each one. By setting up your stores like this, all settings can be configured individually for each of your businesses.
Multi-language option
If your Shopify store has different published languages, you can use the Multi-language option to set different templates for specific languages.
- In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
- Under Invitation settings, scroll down to Multi-language option.
- Click Edit under Invitation templates.
- Click Add another language under Service reviews or Product reviews. Choose an option from your store’s published languages and select which template to use for that language from the drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
Delete the integration
If you no longer want to use the integration, you can disconnect it from your Shopify store.
In Shopify, click on the Apps tab on the left hand menu. Select Trustpilot Reviews.
Click the three dots (•••) at the right corner of Trustpilot Reviews and click App settings.
You'll be redirected to your Shopify settings. Scroll down the page and click Delete app.