Trustpilot's Content Integrity Team

Trustpilot is committed to transparency. Read the Transparency Report 2024.

We're not a bunch of robots. We're a team of real people dedicated to protecting our platform.

We aim to safeguard trust by protecting Trustpilot from fake reviews, misuse and fraudulent behavior. All in all, we ensure everyone in our review community follows Trustpilot’s guidelines. We apply our rules equally and consistently.

Want to get in touch? Contact us via our Help Center. Every day we're in contact with hundreds of reviewers and businesses from around the world. We work hard to respond as quickly as possible, and appreciate your patience.

Our agents

Our Content Integrity Agents in Copenhagen, London, New York, and Denver work on maintaining and improving the quality of Trustpilot's review community. We look at every review that's flagged for breaching our Guidelines for Reviewers and help people understand and make the most of the features on our platform.

Each flagged review and query we receive is turned into a “ticket” and allocated to the appropriate agent, depending on their language skills and specialist knowledge. Tickets might be answered by, for example, Rhea from the UK, Regina from Denmark, or Tyler from the US. Every month, our Content Integrity Team handles tens of thousands of tickets.

As a general rule, our Content Integrity Agents don’t engage in phone discussions about Trustpilot or reviews. That’s because it would simply take too much time. However, we do appreciate that people have valid concerns, and we do our best to answer and address these in writing as efficiently as we can.

We’ve also put in place a whistleblower function where people can submit evidence of misuse or abuse of our platform. We take all reports of misconduct seriously and investigate each and every case.

Fighting fraud

Trustpilot's Fraud Analysts and Investigators look in-depth into any type of fraud related to, but not necessarily on, Trustpilot’s platform. This can involve uncovering and weeding out solicitors of fake reviews, or shutting down any misuse of our tools.

They are also tasked with building industry networks and sifting through the data at hand to find out whether there’s a plausible explanation for continuing anomalies, or a problem.

All of our investigations are handled solely in accordance with our guidelines and the law. We make no distinction between companies who subscribe to Trustpilot’s business services and those who do not.

Support from legal and tech

Our Content Integrity Team and fraud-fighting specialists are supported by other experts within Trustpilot’s Trust & Transparency Unit, including our legal team of international lawyers and a range of technical specialists.

Together, they make sure that what we do complies with the law, and look for ways to optimize our processes and improve and scale our services.

More about what we do

That's a wrap on who we are. For more on what we do, check out our Help Center where you'll find more specific information, for example:

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