Trustpilot Analytics: Service reviews

This feature is included in the Standard plan.

This feature is included in the Plus, Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

Dive into specific segments of your collected service reviews to gain detailed insights into how they’re performing. You can track developments in the volume and star rating of your service reviews, and monitor your TrustScore.

To see the page, go to Trustpilot Business > Analytics > Performance > Service reviews.

The dashboard has a range of filters that can vary depending on your plan. You can select your desired time period, then filter by collection methods, tags, languages, locations, reviewer location, topics, time period, and star rating. The data can be displayed in daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.

You can export your data as a CSV file by clicking Export in the upper right corner.

Service reviews

Track the number of service reviews over the chosen period to get a more detailed look at your performance. You can use this to monitor KPIs on review performance goals, or gain insight into greater review trends over time.

Service reviews rating graph

Average star rating

This chart shows the average star rating of your collected service reviews and gives you a compact look at whether your rating is stable, increasing, or decreasing.

Average star rating graph

Current TrustScore

Your TrustScore is calculated on the basis of all your service reviews, and is displayed on your profile page and in your widgets. The Current TrustScore graph shows how your score has developed over time. Changes in this graph may develop slowly, as it takes a large number of service reviews over time to affect your TrustScore.

Current TrustScore graph

Distribution of stars

Here you can view the distribution of stars from your service reviews. This distribution is taken into account when calculating your TrustScore and your Customer satisfaction score over a period of time.

Customer satisfaction score

This feature is part of the Enhance add-on module, the Growth plan, and the Scale plan.

This feature is included in the Plus, Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

Your customer satisfaction score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Negative reviews from the percentage of Positive reviews. Neutral reviews count towards the total number of respondents, thus decreasing the percentage of Positive and Negative reviews and pushing the customer satisfaction score towards 0. A customer satisfaction score can range from a low of -100 (if every review is a Negative) to a high of 100 (if every review is a Positive).

Customer Satisfaction Score Calculation

Here’s some examples of how your Customer satisfaction score is calculated:

  • If you have two 5-star reviews, one 4-star review and one 3-star review, your Customer satisfaction score will be 25% + 25% + 0% - 25% = 25%
  • If you have three 5-star reviews and one 4-star review, your Customer satisfaction score will be 25% + 25% + 25% + 0% = 75%

Top languages

Here you can get an overview of the most frequently used languages among your service reviews within a selected period of time.

Graph showing the most frequently used languages in Trustpilot service reviews

Top review sources

Find out which sources lead to the most service reviews and use that information to get more reviews in the future.

Overview showing which sources lead to the most Trustpilot service reviews


This feature is part of the Convert add-on module, Enhance add-on module, the Growth plan, and the Scale plan.

This feature is included in the Advanced and Enterprise plans.

Add your own tags to your service reviews using our tagging features. Once you’ve tagged your reviews, you can easily organize and analyze your performance by segment. You can also use the Tags table to monitor the most common themes in your service reviews.

The Tags table shows your average star rating, review volume, and customer satisfaction score for each available tag in the chosen period.

Location Performance - Service Reviews

This feature is part of the Location Reviews add-on module, which can be purchased in addition to the Plus, Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

This feature can be found under Trustpilot Business > Analytics > Performance > Service Reviews.

The Locations table can be found if you scroll down to the very bottom of the Service reviews page:

This Locations table allows you to keep an overview of how each location is performing. It can be used to compare, analyze, and improve your services at particular locations.

Page overview showing where the locations table is located with the table highlighted on the bottom of the page

Review Insights - Locations

This feature is part of the Insights add-on module.

This feature is included in the Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans.

This feature can be found under Trustpilot Business > Analytics > Review Insights > Locations

Table showing city and country locations derived from the location
  of the Trustpilot reviewer

Here, you can see data for city and country locations derived from the location of the reviewer. 

If you're on the Premium plan, you will only have access to the top five cities in this table. To get access to the full list of cities in this table, you will need to upgrade to the Advanced or Enterprise plans.

When clicking on one of the rows in this table, you can access details on the location of the reviewers, as well as the different topics assigned to the reviews.

Page showing location- and topic details pertaining to different reviews

The location- and topic details can be viewed on the Premium, Advanced, and Enterprise plans. To unlock more details, you will need to upgrade to the Advanced or Enterprise plans.

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