Trustpilot Analytics: Review Insights - Spotlight report

This feature is included in the new Enterprise plan (released April 2024).

Trustpilot’s Spotlight report allows you to access AI-generated summaries of your review content, explore key trends, as well as follow noteworthy activity from your competitors over the last week or month. Subscribe to receive this information directly in your inbox, or share it with your colleagues.

Spotlight report is only available for service reviews.

To access the Spotlight report page, go to Analytics > Review insights > Spotlight report.

You can toggle the entire page between weekly and monthly reports by clicking on the Weekly or Monthly tab on the top left of the page.

Review spotlight

Review spotlight is a summary of your reviews, including identification of key themes, using generative AI. For more details, see our article on Trustpilot’s Review spotlight.

Your recent performance

This section provides you with data on your recent performance, showing developments in your TrustScore, Total reviews, latest Topics, and Negative review response rate.

If you want to dig into the data behind any of the trends in your reviews, click on any of the categories listed under Latest topics. See here for more details on topics.

You recent performance

Latest from your competitors

Here, you’ll be able to take a closer look at your competitors’ recent activities. This report draws attention to any change in TrustScore or material change in total reviews gathered from tracked competitors. Click on Explore more for further details on your competitors’ performance

Competitions are selected and tracked on the My competitors page.

Get your Spotlight report delivered to your inbox

Set up a weekly or monthly subscription

You can subscribe to receive your Spotlight report via email on a Monday morning, or on the first day of a new month. Subscribe to receive a spotlight summary to your email inbox by taking the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Personal settings > Email notifications.
  2. Select whether you’d like to receive a weekly or monthly report under Spotlight reports for [your_company_name].
  3. Click Save.

To unsubscribe, simply deselect the checkbox.

Use the Share report button

You can also email the report directly to yourself or share with colleagues by clicking on the Share report button on the top right of the Spotlight report page.


If your business gathers one or more reviews over the past week or month, you will see data for key stats on your Spotlight report page.

  • Each card depends heavily on distinct data sets with different requirements. If you do not see any data, that means you need to collect more reviews.
  • Your weekly and monthly summaries are intended for internal use within your business and are not designed for consumer-facing purposes.
  • Review spotlight summaries are not an official endorsement from Trustpilot.
  • When it comes to data privacy, the only data we share with third parties is the text from reviews displayed on your public profile page. Rest assured, no personally identifiable information is included in this data sharing process.

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