Write a review

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Recently bought something or had a service experience with a business? Learn how to share your opinion and write a review on Trustpilot.

Anyone who has had a genuine buying or service experience with a business can write a review on Trustpilot. Share your opinion to help others make better informed purchasing decisions, and help businesses provide a better service. 

In order to write a review on Trustpilot, you’ll need to create a user profile.

There are two ways to write a review on Trustpilot.

  • A business asks you to write one via an invitation
  • Write one on your own initiative by following these steps:

Write a service review

Write a service review to share your opinion about a particular service experience you’ve had with a business.

  1. Log in to Trustpilot.com.
  2. Enter the name of the business you want to review, then click Show all results. Click on the business to go to their profile.

If the business you’re looking for isn’t listed, you can be the first to review them if they have a website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page after you click on Show all results,  enter the company's website address, click Start.

  1. On their profile, click Write a review.

  1. Under Rate your recent experience, select the number of stars.

  1. Under Tell us about your experience, share your buying or service experience.
  2. Enter a Date of experience. Your review must be about an experience that took place within the last 12 months.
  3. Give your review a title. You also have the option to enter your reference number.

  1. Read the terms, select the checkbox to accept, then click Submit review.

Write a location review

Write a location review to share your opinion about a service experience you’ve had at a business’s specific location. Businesses that utilize them have profiles for each individual location.

  1. Log in to Trustpilot.com.
  2. Enter the name of the business you want to review, then click Search. Click on the business to go to their profile.
  3. On their profile, under Locations, select the individual location you want to review. On the individual location profile, click Write a review.

  1. Under Rate your recent experience, select the number of stars.

  1. Under Tell us about your experience, share your buying or service experience.
  2. Enter a Date of experience. Your review must be about an experience that took place within the last 12 months.
  3. Give your review a title. You also have the option to enter your reference number.

  1. Read the terms, select the checkbox to accept, then click Submit review.

Write a product review

Write a product review to share your opinion about a specific product you purchased with a business. You need to be invited by a business to write one.

  1. In your email invitation, click Rate Now.
  2. Under Review your recent purchase, select the number of stars.
  3. Under Write review, share your experience then click Submit your review.

Review a business multiple times

If you’re a repeat customer, you can review a business more than once. Write a review for each separate buying or service experience.

You can only write one review per 24-hour period, unless a business has invited you to review them multiple times.

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