1. Complete your business profile - Premium

    Complete your business profile to leave a lasting impression on potential customers. We'll show you how to put your best foot forward in the video below.

    Complete your business profile

    We only allow basic HTML on business profile pages for paid plans. Also, we don't provide support for customization.

    To get started, in Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Profile page.

    About your company

    Add your business name, domain, logo, and a header image to create an eye-catching preview. Click Save and publish when you're satisfied.

    Company Description

    Tell your customers all about your business and what sets you apart. Use at least 200 words to make a compelling statement. Remember to hit Save and publish to make it live.

    Verify Company Details

    Boost transparency and build trust by verifying essential business information. Verified details will display as a checkmark on your profile page.

    1. Under Verify company details, you’ll see several verification options. Make your selection.
    2. Depending on which option you choose, the process of the verification method will vary. Read more about each option below.
    Proof of identity

    To verify your identity, we’ll ask for proof of identity from an Admin user associated with the account. The user needs to upload a photo of a valid document (not expired or physically damaged). Supported documents include:

    Contact details

    To verify your contact details, you’ll need to sync your Google Business Profile with Trustpilot. Your Google Business Profile will need to be "verified" in order to sync and verify your contact details on Trustpilot.

    If your Google Business Profile has the status "Verified", we'll sync your contact details to your Trustpilot profile, and a checkmark will be added to your contact information.

    If your Google Business Profile has the status "Unverified" or "Pending", the checkmark next to the item won't appear. Verify your account in Google Business Profile, then try again.


    Make it easier for customers to find you by categorizing your business. Choose a primary category and up to 5 additional ones.

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Categories.
    2. Under Choose a category, search for a category you'd like to add. Make your selection, then click + Add.
    3. Repeat the selection process to add up to a total of six categories.
    4. Select your primary category by clicking Set as primary.

    Contact Info

    Provide all relevant contact details and let us know where your business is registered. This will affect your market ranking and business category. Click Save and publish when you’re done.

    Customize the discovery bar

    The discovery bar is the area on your profile where visitors can discover promotions, guarantees, and similar companies.

    Promote your business

    You can add a promotional banner to make sure your deals are seen by your profile visitors.

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Profile page. Scroll down and expand Promote your business.
    2. Enter your Title, Headline and Message details. You can add multiple headlines and messages by clicking + Add another message.
    3. Add an Image by clicking Upload.
    4. Click Save and publish.

    Offer customers a guarantee

    If you offer a guarantee to your customers (for example, a money back guarantee, shipping within 24 hours, or hassle-free returns), mention it here.

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Profile page. Scroll down and expand Offer customers a guarantee.
    2. Enter your Headline, Teaser and Details.
    3. Add an Image by clicking Upload.
    4. Click Save and publish.

    Hide or show similar companies

    Here you can decide if similar companies are shown in the discovery bar on your profile.

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Profile page. Scroll down and expand Hide or show similar companies.
    2. Choose to either Show competitors on your profile or Hide competitors on your profile.
    3. Click Save and publish.

    Facebook page plugin

    Boost customer confidence by adding your public Facebook page to your Trustpilot profile.

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Public profile settings > Profile page. Scroll down and expand the Facebook Page plugin.
    2. Enter Your Facebook page URL in the field.
    3. Click Save and publish.

    Problems integrating the Facebook Page plugin?

    The Facebook Page plugin isn't compatible with Facebook pages that have restrictions enabled for certain users, such as age or country restrictions. Learn how to remove them here

    Once you’ve removed the restrictions, the integration should work smoothly.

    Invite new users

    On the Premium plan, you can have up to 10 users on your account.

    User types

    • Admin - Allows a user to do anything in Trustpilot Business, including managing account settings. This user has access to all domains under the business's account.
    • Manager - Allows a user to fully manage assigned domains. This user, however, cannot see account settings.
    • Review Manager - Allows a user to manage reviews for specific domains and/or locations. This user can also add widgets.

    Add a user

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Settings > Business settings > Users. Click the Invite a new user button.
    2. Enter the new user's email address. Choose a language from the drop-down, then select the role and domains/locations that the user can access. When you're done, click Invite user.
    3. The user will receive a verification email. They'll need to open the message and click Set up your account.
    4. The user will need to set a password and accept the Terms and Conditions, then click the Complete Setup button.

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