5. Add a TrustBox widget - Plus

    Instantly boost your website's credibility with TrustBox widgets. Showcase your reviews, TrustScore, and star rating dynamically, so your webiste visitors can get immediate insights into your reputation. Learn more in the video below.

    What are TrustBox widgets?

    TrustBoxes are our website widgets. They allow you to easily display your Trustpilot reviews and ratings on your own website. These widgets come in various styles and formats, enhancing transparency and building trust with your online audience.

     Here’s how you can see what’s included in your plan:

    1. In Trustpilot Business, go to Share & promote > Website widgets > All widgets.
    2. Here you can filter widgets. Use the Only included with your plan toggle to see what’s available on your plan.

    Now you can see a selection of widgets. Once you’ve selected one, it’s time to customize it and implement it.

    Embed a widget

    Configure your widget

    It's time to configure your widget. Under Customize, you'll see some configuration options.

    Implement your widget

    1. Once you're happy with all your settings, click Get code. Share instructions, so you can send it to yourself or your developer.
    2. The first set of code you'll see is the widget's script. Click Copy code, then paste it into the <head> section of your website. You only need to do this once, even if you're adding multiple widgets.
    3. The second set of code you'll see is the widget's html code. Click Copy code, then paste it into the <body> section of your website, where you'd like it to be displayed.

    Other implementation methods

    • If you use one of our ecommerce integrations, you can easily add a widget to your website with it.
    • If your website uses WordPress, try our WordPress integration to install a widget. This method doesn’t require coding: rearrange, customize, and publish all in one place.
    • If you have limited access to the source code, use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to add the widget as a custom script.
    • If you can't put the script in the <head> section, you can put it in the <body> section, before the HTML. Keep in mind that this may impact your website's performance.

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