Trustpilot's Salesforce integration (1.14 and above)

This feature is part of the Salesforce integration add-on module, which can be purchased in addition to the Advanced and Enterprise plans.

These instructions apply only if you started your Trustpilot plan before April 2024. If you previously downloaded Salesforce version 1.13 or below, please read the following article.

Our integration syncs Trustpilot review data to your Salesforce account, allowing you to access Trustpilot data from any Salesforce product. Automate your invitations, reply to reviews, and manage your reputation directly within Salesforce.

Before you start, you’ll need to make sure you have:
  • Salesforce Lightning - The integration is not meant for Classic Mode.

  • Sales Cloud or Service Cloud

  • A Salesforce Edition with API access

  • The use of Opportunities, Orders, or Cases

  • Contact Roles on Opportunities or Orders

  • An existing business unit in Trustpilot Business

  • SKUs that have been synced to Trustpilot

Install the integration

  1. Install your Salesforce package through a link provided to you by Trustpilot. 
  2. Once you click the link, install your Trustpilot Salesforce integration for All Users.


Set permissions

In order to use the integration, you must have access to the External Credential Principal that was created and authenticated above. This can be achieved using a permission set or with profile permissions. The two permissions you can assign to users are the following:

  • Trustpilot App User
  • Trustpilot App Super User

Trustpilot App User is the minimum permission that users will need in order to view or interact with the application, such as moving objects that will trigger Trustpilot invites. Assigning users to Trustpilot App Super User allows them to update settings.

In Salesforce, take the following steps to assign permissions to your users:

  1. Go to Setup > Users.
  2. Click the user you wish to give access to.
  3. Click on Permission Set Assignments.image-20240808-132941.png
  4. Next to Permission Set Assignments, click the Edit Assignments button.
  5. Select either Trustpilot App Super User or Trustpilot App User from the box on the left.image-20240819-130408.png
  6. Click the Add arrow to move one of these options to the box on the right.
  7. Once the permission is added to the right box, hit Save.

Done! Your user should now have access to the integration.

Repeat this process for all users you’d like to give access.

Configure the integration

In Trustpilot Business take the following steps:

  1. Go to Integrations > Payment & CRM > Salesforce.
  2. Click the Connect button.
  3. A Salesforce window will open. Here, click Allow to enable Trustpilot access to Salesforce.

Be sure you are logged into the correct Salesforce instance you intend to connect Trustpilot to by checking if the URL is as expected.

Once redirected back to Trustpilot Business, the installation should be complete.

Test the connection

The integration will start in an empty state, with no reviews, statistics, or data. If you’ve received reviews in the past, you’ll be able to sync the last 30 days of data to the integration. This is a good way to make sure that Salesforce is properly integrated with Trustpilot.

In Salesforce, go to the Trustpilot integration > Settings > Import Reviews. Click Import Reviews.

Send review invitations

Review Invitations can be sent based on Opportunity, Order, or Case.

Invitations based on opportunity

This setting allows you to send review invitations based on a specific opportunity stage.

  1. In Salesforce, go to the Trustpilot integration by using the App Launcher. It's the one with 9 dots, on the top left.
  2. From the integration, go to Settings > Invitations from opportunities. Use the toggle to enable.
  3. Use the When an opportunity is drop-down to choose which stage the invitation should be triggered. Use the drop-downs to choose what type of invitation should be sent, who it should be sent to, and after how many days.
  4. When you’re happy with the settings, click Save changes.

Invitations based on order

This setting allows you to send review invitations based on a specific order status.

  1. In Salesforce, go to the Trustpilot integration by using the App Launcher. It's the one with 9 dots, on the top left.
  2. From the integration, go to Settings > Invitations from orders. Use the toggle to enable.
  3. Use the When an order is drop-down to choose which stage the invitation should be triggered. Use the drop-downs to choose what type of invitation should be sent, who it should be sent to, and after how many days.
  4. When you’re happy with the settings, click Save changes.

Invitations based on case

This setting allows you to send review invitations based on a specific case status.

  1. In Salesforce, go to the Trustpilot integration by using the App Launcher. It's the one with 9 dots, on the top left.
  2. From the integration, go to Settings > Invitations from cases. Use the toggle to enable.
  3. Use the When a case is drop-down to choose which stage the invitation should be triggered. Use the drop-downs to choose what type of invitation should be sent, who it should be sent to, and after how many days.
  4. When you’re happy with the settings, click Save changes.

All your invitations, Salesforce and non-Salesforce, will appear under the Invitation status tab. You can also see the statuses of your most recently sent invitations in the Recent Invitations section of the integration homepage.

Reply to reviews

  1. In Salesforce, go to the Trustpilot integration by clicking on the App Launcher. It's the square with 9 dots, on the top left. You might need to enter Trustpilot into the search bar if it doesn’t come up automatically. Once you are on the Trustpilot integration page, a summary of your overall performance can be viewed from the Home section. From here, you’ll be able to see:
    • Trustpilot data, such as your current TrustScore, number of new service and product reviews, number of invitations queued, number of invitations delivered, and number of reviews awaiting reply
    • Overview of recent service reviews
    • Overview of recent product reviews
    • Status of recently sent invitations
  2. From the integration, go to Reviews. Find the review you want to reply to.
  3. Use the drop-down at the top left to filter reviews by All, Latest Reviews, Recent product reviews, Recent service reviews, and Recently Viewed.
  4. Click on the review. You’ll be taken to a new page, with the review and its data. At the bottom of the page will be a field where you can write your reply.
  5. Once you’re ready, click Post reply.

If the review you’d like to reply to is displayed on the integration home page, you can also click Reply from the Reply Status column to access the page in step 4 above.

Business Generated Links for Trustpilot's Salesforce integration

This feature is part of the Privacy add-on module, which can be purchased in addition to the Enterprise plan.

  1. To begin generating Business Generated Links via Trustpilot's Salesforce integration, navigate in the Salesforce Navigation Bar to Settings and click Manage keys.
  2. In the modal window that appears, insert your Encryption Key and Authentication key from the dashboard of your Trustpilot Business profile, accessible here.
  3. Trustpilot allows Business Generated Links to be created based on three objects: Opportunity, Order, and Cases.
    • Business Generated Link creation for Opportunities can be triggered based on Standard or Custom stages. 
    • The Order trigger can be based on Draft, Activated, or a Custom stage.
    • The Case trigger can be based on New, Working, EscalatedClosed, or a Custom stage.
  4. You can create Business Generated Links for either Service Reviews or Service- and Product Reviews on any of the objects. The recipients of the links can be different, depending on the object.
    • For Opportunities, the Contact Role can be selected.
    • On Orders, the Business Generated Links can be created with the Bill To or Ship To contacts.
    • For Cases, it will be the Case Contact or a Custom field.
  5. For analysis or display purposes, Trustpilot allows pre-tagging of Business Generated Links, based on the fields available on either of the three objects.
  6. Once authorized, all the reviews received on will be synced to the Salesforce app, allowing you to read and reply to them under the Reviews tab.


All Business Generated Links are stored here after creation, and can be located in the invitation status table. The link can then be sent to the customer by any delivery channel (email, text, etc).

A quick summary of the overall performance can be viewed on the Home tab.

Delete the integration

If you no longer want to use the Salesforce integration, simply disconnect the app from Trustpilot Business by clicking on the Disconnect button on your Salesforce integration page in Trustpilot Business.

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