The business you reviewed might contact you if they think your review goes against Trustpilot's guidelines or it wasn't meant for them.
Why is a business contacting me?
Contacting reviewers is part of our structured process for businesses that want to flag problematic reviews. They can contact you for a variety of reasons:
They don't recognize you
Sometimes businesses need a few extra details, for example, when they don't recognize you as one of their customers. Asking for more specific information lets businesses quickly identify, understand and solve any issues that arise.
They think your review isn't about them
If the content of your review indicates it might have been posted in the wrong place, the business can reach out and ask if you intended to review them.
They think your review breaks the rules
Reviews shouldn't include sensitive or personal information. If the business thinks you've included such content in your review, they can ask you to consider removing it from your review.
Alternatively, the business might think you weren't eligible to review them, and will ask you for more information about your experience.
How does it work?
You'll receive a message via the email address that’s linked to your Trustpilot user account. It's up to you what you choose to do, and you'll have 3 days to respond.
If you've been asked to provide more information such as your reference number or contact details, the information you provide will not be published on our platform. It will only be shared with the business you reviewed.
What if I disagree or don't respond?
If you disagree with the request, choose not to respond, or don't provide enough information, the business can flag your review to our Content Integrity Team for assessment.