My competitors page allows you to see how you compare to your direct competitors. Select up to 5 businesses and discover how you're performing across review topics, trends, and sentiments.
You can find this page in Trustpilot Business by going to Analytics > Market > My competitors.
You can select up to 5 businesses in your industry to compare your performance against on Trustpilot. Once you’ve added your chosen competitors, you’ll be able to compare your performance based on Topic sentiment by competitor, Average review rating, and Total reviews.
Manage competitors
You can choose up to 5 businesses to compare your performance against. Each business user can create their own custom competitors page. Here’s how to add or remove competitors:
In Trustpilot Business, go to your My competitors page.
Click Manage competitors, on the top right.
Type the name of the competitor in the search bar.
- Use the + icon in the top corner of the results to add.
- Use the trash can icon at the top corner of the result to delete.
Click Save to confirm.
Filter by date
You can filter the data by date, which lets you compare your performance to competitors during key times like Black Friday or special promotional events.
- In Trustpilot Business, go to your My competitors page.
- Click on the date range in the top left. You can choose a custom range or select from preset options such as last week, last month, or last 90 days, to name a few.
- Click Apply to update.
The overview lists all the competitors you’ve added, alongside their TrustScore, Reviews and Star distribution. You can hover over the star distribution bar graph to see a breakdown of each star rating.
Click on a competitor to access comprehensive Company details page. Explore their overall performance metrics, including Average Review Rating and Total Reviews.
Topic sentiment by competitor
Here you’ll find a series of bubble charts with information about the performance of your 8 most popular topics. Hovering over each topic allows you to see an overview of the sentiment score, positive reviews and negative reviews your competitors have for the selected topic during the current period.
Manage topics
You can select up to 8 topics to compare.
- Go to your My competitors page.
- In the Topic sentiment by competitor chart, click More topics.
- Use the check boxes next to each topic to include it in the comparison.
- Click Save to update.
Download data
You can download the data presented in the charts.
- Go to your My competitors page.
- Find the Topic sentiment by competitor chart, then click the 3 dots at the top right in the corresponding chart.
- Under Download, choose whether you'd like to download your data in Image (PNG) or Data (CSV) form.
Competitor performance
This chart allows you to view your competitors' average review rating and total reviews, which you can switch in between via a dropdown menu. You will also be able to see this data change over time.
Average review rating
We display a line graph that tracks the average review rating of your competitors. Hovering over the data allows you to see the TrustScore for all competitors, for each month.
Total reviews
We display a line graph that tracks the number of reviews all your selected competitors received. Hovering over the data allows you to see the number of reviews each competitor received during each month.